Math </br>(Grade 1 to 8)

(Grade 1 to 8)

Grade 2

Mathematics (CBSE – NCERT)


Shapes & Spatioal Understanding

  • Observes objects in the environment and gets a qualitative feel for their geometrical attributes.
  • Identifies the basic 3-D shapes such as cuboid, cylinder, cone, sphere by their names.
  • Traces the 2-D outlines of 3-D objects.
  • Observes and identifies these 2-D shapes.
  • Identifies 2-D shapes viz., rectangle, square, triangle, circle by their names.
  • Describes intuitively the properties of these 2-D shapes.
  • Identifies and makes straight lines by folding, straight edged objects, stretched strings and draws free hand and with a ruler
  • Draws horizontal, vertical and slant lines (free hand).
  • Distinguishes between straight and curved lines.
  • Identifies objects by observing their shadows.
  • Reads and writes numerals for numbers up to ninetynine.
  • Expands a number with respect to place values.
  • Counts and regroups objects into tens and ones.
  • Uses the concept of place value in the comparison of numbers.
    • Starting from any number.
    • Group counting etc.
  • Arranges numbers upto hundred in ascending and descending order.
  • Forms the greatest and the smallest two digit numbers with and without repetition of given digits.
  • Indicates and identifies the position of an object in a line.

Addition and Subtraction

  • Adds and subtracts two digit numbers by drawing representations of tens and ones without and with regrouping.
  • Adds zero to a number and subtracts zero from a number.
  • Observes the commutative property of addition through patterns.
  • Solves addition, subtraction problems presented through pictures and verbal description.
  • Describes orally the situations that correspond to the given addition and subtraction facts.
  • Estimates the result of addition and subtraction and compares the result with another given number.

Preparation for Multiplication and Division

  • Discussion of situations involving repeated addition and situations involving equal sharing.
  • Activities of making equal groups.

Mental Arithmetic

  • Adds and subtracts single digit numbers mentally.
  • Adds and subtracts multiples of ten mentally.
  • Identifies currency – notes and coins.
  • Puts together amounts of money not exceeding Rs 50/-.
  • Adds and subtracts small amounts of money mentally.
  • Transacts an amount using 3-4 notes.


Measures lengths & distances along short & long paths using uniform (non-standard) units, extends to longer lengths.


  • Compares two or more objects by their weight.
  • Appreciates the need for a simple balance.
  • Compares weights of given objects using simple balance.

Capacity (Volume)

  • res and orders containers in terms of internal volume(capacity).
  • Orders given containers as per their capacities on the basis of perception & verifies by pouring out etc.


  • Gets familiar with the days of the week and months of the year.
  • Gets a feel for sequence of seasons (varying locally).
  • Sequences the events occurring over longer periods in terms of dates/days.
Data Handling
  • Collects data through measurement.
  • Represents the data followed by discussion (e.g. heights of children).
  • Collects and presents the data on birthdays.
  • Draws inferences from the data at the appropriate level. Patterns (10 hrs.)
  • Observes and extends patterns in sequence of shapes and numbers.
  • Searches for patterns in different ways of splitting a number.
  • Creates block patterns by stamping thumbprints, leaf prints, vegetable prints, etc.
  • Creates patterns of regular shapes by stamping.
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